Pretty Painful

Lately I haven’t had much to say. I’ve had a lot to do, of course. But nothing to say about what’s been keeping me busy. Summer seems to be dragging on. The weather has kept us in a lot. Wrangling an 18 month old and a 10 year old isn’t the easiest job in the world. I admit, there isn’t much outdoorsy type things to do where we live either. So, we swim. We do arts and crafts. We watch movies. We go on many trips to the library. And we find things to do where it’s air conditioned. It’s just too hot when it’s 102 degrees outside and 120 in the car, (we don’t have a/c in our boat).

While there isn’t much going on presently, there will be in the future. I’m going on a little bit of an adventure. Would you believe me if I said that I was going to be kidnapped by a gang of swash buckling pirates who want to throw me overboard to dozens of man eating sharks? Or what if I said I were going to the Amazon and I had to bushwhack through the forests and I come upon a tribe of cannibals who haven’t eaten in months? Or what if I said I was having a total abdominal hysterectomy?

If you chose either of the first two, then you are wishful like myself. Unfortunately, I will be doing the last of the three choices. Well, not too unfortunately. The synopsis: I have had two C Sections and two laporoscopic surgeries all in the last 10 years. Three of those surgeries have been in the last 19 months. Something isn’t quite right with my uterus, (we’ve been talking female reproductive organs all week and I’m not ashamed, * laugh *). Basically what it comes down to is that I’ve been having severe pelvic pain and the only solution they have is to take birth control pills, (done), or antibiotics, (done). Then, since neither of those helped, I could do hormone treatments but since the pills didn’t help, the hormones probably won’t work. Next is another laporoscopy, but do I really want to have to continue doing a few surgeries to see if it will help? So now it’s a hysterectomy. I’m on the fence about it. I know we won’t have any more children so I don’t worry about that. What I do worry about is the menopause. I’ll still have to do hormone replacement therapy, but I think of my mom and what her symptoms are and God forgive me but I’d rather die than deal with what she is dealing with. (She’s the uber menopausal woman!)

So that’s what I’ll be doing next week. Physicals, chest x rays, bloodwork, surgery. My surgery is set for Thursday the 17th, so keep me in your prayers. I’ll be in the hospital for a few days and have some time to recoup before coming home. So that’s the painful part. After that, I’ll be relaxing in bed with the stack of books I checked out from the library and maybe some knitting.

Which brings me to some stash enhancement, which is the pretty part:

More SunnySideEllen from Etsy in Teddy Bear. I think I’m going to make the Rhiannon socks with this.

I’ve also done a little beading here and there, (I finished both projects last night):

A set of Swarovski crystal earrings on sterling silver hoops. Montana (blue), is one of my favorite colors they have available.


Another Icy Petals bracelet done in the new Swarovski crystal colors Mocca and Sand Opal. I love the browns in this. Beautiful.

As for knitting, well my sock design is finished. I have two testers working on the pattern and I hope to have it ready for purchase by August 1. I’m really excited about this and I can’t wait for people to knit it. I am currently working on the Ribs and Lace Tank which I anticipate will be done this weekend. I have a few more bust decreases and then I can work on the straps and finishing. I’d love to get it done tonight because we are taking a trip to the beach tomorrow while our apartment is re-carpeted. Who knows?

So that’s life right now. Fairly calm, fairly chaotic.


Lately I’ve found myself jumping from one project to the next. I might knit for an hour but then I’m making jewelry or hand sewing the binding to my quilt, (yes, I actually started the hand sewing which is what I’ve dread the most). But it seems that the jewelry is what is most rewarding at the moment. I can churn out a bracelet in three hours. Almost instant gratification. I suppose if I could knit a sweater in three hours I’d be a legend, but I am not.

Anyway, debuting the new Lilac Petals Bracelet:

Amethyst and Light Amethsyt 6mm bicones; Silver glass pearls; Size 15 seed beads in lilac and silver; 2mm silver ball beads and a sterling silver floral toggle clasp.

Once I made one, I had to buy the supplies and make another. I made this one the day Oliver died just to keep myself busy and of course, it being blue is my favorite.

Montana and White Opal Sky Blue 6mm bicones; 6mm rounded Hematite crystals; 2mm silver ball beads; size 15 seed beads in silver and metallic blue; silver plated heart shaped toggle clasp.

I’ve also been working on a freshwater pearl/silver/crystals necklace, but I can only give you a sneak preview because I haven’t finished it yet.

Blue, Silver and Cream freshwater pearls; Sterling silver findings; Square Smoky Quartz crystal; Crystal 6mm bicone; 3 6mm rounded crystals in Montana AB; Silver chain; Sterling silver link.

I have yet to find a clasp to go with this. A lobster clasp really wouldn’t do this justice. And I have to make it a little longer, otherwise it will be worn like a choker and I can’t stand anything too tight on my neck.

So that’s what I’ve been up to. I do have some knitting photos, but I’ll save that for another post.

Shop Advice

I need a little bit of shop advice. And I’ll be holding a teeny weeny little contest where you can win a set of the following:

These are the matching bobby pins to go with the pearl cluster earrings I made for a custom order on Etsy. I like them so much that I decided I will most definitely make sets, (of 6), for my shop. But I don’t know what a reasonable price is. The bobby pin and the pearls don’t cost very much per dozen. BUT, the wire does. It’s half square sterling silver and is a little pricey by the yard. And since I don’t wear much more than a hair clip in my hair, I have no idea what a good selling price would be.

So for those of you who do wear hair goodies, what do you think a good price is?

Just leave me a comment and I will not only send you a set of (6) bobby pins I will also send you a matching set of pearl cluster earrings, the color of your choice. Comments need to be made before Wednesday 10:30 p.m. Pacific Time. Ask your friends too, I need some input and feedback on these simple little things.

May the bead be with you

Cause I seem to keep losing mine. My beads. Not my marbles. Though some might disagree.

Beading seems to be what it’s all about this weekend. With a little knitting thrown in. I did finish the right front to the Central Park Hoodie and am currently doing both sleeves at the same time. I’m still trying to figure out how I can ease those eight measly rows into the back. I am in denial. I know that I will have to frog. But I’m avoiding it. Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

Shawn made yet another beautiful ring and we’ve decided to add his talents over at Ewe Bitch. So if you are looking for that custom ring, he’s the man to see. Look at how pretty this is one is:

He was so excited to make another since we still had the supplies from the previous ring. He didn’t have a mandrel, so suprise! I bought him one when I was at the bead shop. He made this one in about an hour. So with that, we are “debuting” the two rings he made on Etsy and offering custom made rings. Go check it out. (K, plug over.)

While he was ring making, I was working on three things til about 4 a.m. (I know, I should be getting a decent amount of sleep but I was beading and watching mysteries all night. I. Could. Not. Stop. One was a custom order on Etsy for a pair of pearl cluster dangles:

Still needs some filler pearls but I think these are going to come out gorgeous.

I also worked on a new bracelet for me, perfect accessory with a pair of jeans:

I bought these crystals a couple weeks ago. I was inspired by a bracelet on an online bead shop but ended up making something completely different. It’s nice to have that challenge. With knitting you really have to follow the pattern to get the right end result. But with beads, there is such a variety. It’s a great medium.

I also made some flower dangles for the shop. I had copper and blue on my mind and I think they came out quite nice:

I seem to be on a blue kick lately. Can’t help it though, it’s such a perfect color. I just can’t get enough.

And in about 15 hours Shawn will be leaving for another week in Bakersfield. Another week of an empty void. You’d think we’d get sick of each other and relish the though of a mini vacation, like his coworkers. And while I will enjoy having the queen sized bed to myself, having a little alone time to read and catch up on my DVR shows and new Blockbuster account, (I decided to see what the fuss is about with online movie shops and guess what? since I already have an account I can get a free trial through Blockbuster and guess what? they have all the “Midsomer Murders” on DVD that I haven’t seen and guess what? that ROCKS!), not having to cook elaborate meals, (Shawn is spoiled), and having the baby in bed by 8:30, I will miss him waking me up at 5:30 in the morning to tell me he loves me, or having him come home at 3 and seeing Scout go absolutely monkey crazy cause daddy is home, or even watching him play him computer games. (That was a fairly long run on sentence wasn’t it?)

So the plan:

* Stop by the LYS and pick up more US 2’s (double points) for my new Mingus from Cookie. I did a gauge swatch but won’t be able to make my size on 1’s. And for some reason, I can’t find my multiple sets of 2’s.

* Stop by the fabric shop for some backing to the doll quilt that I need to finish.

* Take Scout to the zoo. This time wearing more comfy shoes. And going earlier in the morning so I don’t sweat so much. Yeah, I sweat. Who wouldn’t in this 80 degree weather when you are walking what seems like uphill for 3 hours!

* Take Scout to the lake. I’m thinking a little picnic and some running around just might be fun.

* Watch all the shows recorded on my DVR. I still have to watch, “The Memory Keeper’s Daughter”, a couple of two hour “Matlock” shows, some “Murder, She Wrote” and the first few episodes of “The Tudors”.

* Bake. I find solitude in baking. Especially when I’m alone. Plus, it makes the house smell yummy.

Expect lots of updates this week! I have to do something with my time. Including playing catch up on all the blogs I read. I think I’m up to about 75 blogs I read on a normal basis. You guys are just too good.

Easter bunny came to this town

Our Easter weekend was a bit emotional over here. Friday and Saturday I could feel that unsettling feeling in my stomach that I’d be alone all week. The anxiety rose up and caused lots of crying, yelling and red eyes. With enough sleep on Saturday night, (after staying up til 12:38 a.m. so that the Easter bunny could deliver the goods), I felt much better on Sunday, though not really 100%.

Saturday morning was spent at the Canyon Country park where Jem and Scout hunted down some Easter eggs, ate little chocolate eggs, (with some aluminum stuck on them…you don’t even want to know how I know this!), and met the Easter bunny him/herself!


She squirmed, but I did get a few good shots. (Though in a few the bunny looks like he’s eating her arm. I’ve never known a carnivorous rabbit, have you?)

And boy did she enjoy her chocolate! (We normally don’t give her candy, but she had a couple little pieces and thoroughly enjoyed them.)


Sunday the kids woke up to eggs galore! We hid about 20 of them and their baskets around the living room. The bubbles were especially a hit. So were the bunny ears:


The rest of the day I spent in the kitchen making a huge feast. We still have leftovers suprisingly. And then Monday morning hit and I was all alone.

I had decided over the weekend to get out of the house more often this week. (There are times when I can’t convince myself to leave the house and I really didn’t want to get in that kind of funk.) So Monday afternoon I headed over to Knit Cafe over in Hollywood. For those of you unaware, they care closing. So right now they are having a 50% off sale. When I got there things were already picked over, but I grabbed a few skeins of this deliciousness:


Can you say Koigu? Cause I can. I grabbed the last of the Kersti Crepe in brown and blue. I’m thinking another pair of Eunny’s mitts. Once I finish the last pair of course. I also grabbed three skeins of Misti Alpaca Lace in a dark chocolately brown. I have no idea what I’ll make with it yet, but it’s buttery soft and I love the color. And HELLO! At 50% off, who can say no? They had a good deal of yarn, but I think the good stuff was pretty much taken within the first two hours the store was open.

The rest of the day was spent eating lunch and playing with Scout at the park. Jem has his first baseball practice last night and I am more than disappointed. This should be baseball. Not softball. Not underhand softball. And their first game is this Saturday. Most of the kids look like they’ve never picked up a baseball let alone played a game, so I don’t know if we will ride this one out. He’s a bit too advanced for softball. But I’ll give him a chance to play the first game and go from there.

Today? Well today has been a pretty lazy day. I finished the two other bracelets and will be adding them to my Etsy tomorrow after I add the clasps, but here’s a preview if you are interested, this one is made with brown pearls and pink and silver accents:


And with silvery blue pearls, silver size 15 seed beads and teal and black Swarovski’s:


Plans for the rest of the week? I’m thinking Scout and I might go to the zoo tomorrow and hang out eating ice cream cones and watching the animals run around. It’ll be a nice change to watch someone else run away other than Scout. Boy, she’s fast!

A Review of March

It’s only the 9th, I know. But the past few days have been a blur of chaos I tell you. My knitting has been minimal, in fact I have absolutely no updates because I’m trekking along, quite slowly, on the Henley Perfected. Though, I am close to have the back done. About another 1 1/2″ in pattern.

I am feeling better and as I’m sure you have guessed it, taking on too much at once. Yup, that’s me. I made a lovely little gift for my friend Jody’s birthday which she hasn’t picked up yet, so I can’t share that with you. I will once she gets it. I don’t want to ruin the surprise.

And then I made a little something for me:


This lovely little number is called “Moonlight Roses”. I took a beading class, with absolutely no beadweaving experience, yesterday and finished it this afternoon. I love it so much that I intend on making another. And probably one or two for my Etsy. I will definitely do custom orders. This bracelet needs to be shared. I used 3mm and 4 mm Swarovski bicone crystals, number 15 Japanese seed beads and a lot of luck. I’m very happy that I took this class and have already signed for one in May. I’d like to take another in April but I’m not sure which class to take.

I’ve gotten a bit of sewing done, though not much. Well I shouldn’t say that because I finally have most of Scout’s patchwork blanket done. I need to sew the sides because I decided not to do binding. I’m not quite ready for that. Pictures to follow on that.

I admit, I have a few things to do on my “to do” list. I just ordered Emmeline by Montessori by Hand and would like to start making a couple of aprons. One for me and one for a swap friend. I also bought a copy of Mingus by Cookie. With an order of Dream in Color Smooshy. I won’t tell you the color, rather I’ll show you when my order gets here. I ordered some new Cherry Tree Hill too. Oh and some more Sunny Side Ellen. You’d think I know better since I haven’t been knitting. But I’m hoping that once I receive my fiberlicious packages that I will be inspired to cast on. Though I admittedly don’t need to cast on a new project.

I had a chance to meet my long lost sister yesterday too. Long story short, my father spread his seed a few times too many back in the day, (well before my time). I didn’t find out I had sisters, (two), until I was about 15. My eldest sister, Vicky, found me. We ended up losing touch because I moved a lot. Lo and behold she found my Myspace page and once again we got in contact. We’ve been talking for months. She’s in Chicago. My sister Mayna in Arizona. Vicky came to visit a cousin of hers in Marina del Ray, (which if my mom drives 90 mph is only about 30 minutes South of us). So we had a chance to visit and Scout got to know her Titi Vicky. I will be going back to Chicago in a couple of weeks so we have a chance to spend more time together. It will be nice. I’m excited to see my Grandma and my Uncle as well. I haven’t been home in 11 years. Much too long.

The weather has been slowly warming. Spring is coming too early though the Groundhog saw his shadow and forecasted a long winter. Not for us in California. The other night was nice enough to grill, (which we are again doing tonight)…our dinner looked quite colorful before being cooked so I had to take a snapshot:


Plus, we had a chance to hang out at the toddler park at our complex. Scout loved the slide! And just running around getting messy was too hard to resist too:


There is still a lot underway here. I have my mobile to finish for the swap, since I’m a bit late. I had hoped I could catch up, but with the surgeries and my cold it just didn’t happen. Stitch and Bitch is this week though I haven’t decided if I will go. I haven’t been feeling too right around some of the people and I don’t want to feel all funky Friday night. Baseball season is starting. Spring break is in a couple of weeks. I signed up, (finally), for a quilting class. We have mommy and me playdates coming up. A girls night out. Easter. Yeah, the list goes on and on and on…