All That Matters

Spring break is almost over.

The weather can’t decide between windy and warm or cloudy and cold.

We have been spending more time eating out for dinner. It gives us more time to enjoy the Spring afternoons.

I take naps earlier in the morning so Scout and I can spend the afternoon making chalk art on the walkway. Sometimes we just color with whatever medium is closest to us.

I took off a little too much time from the gym. I feel bad about that.

I studied quite a bit of my Western Civilization book. Not so much studying of Poli Sci or Women’s Studies.

I finished reading House Rules by Jodi Picoult.

I started an herb garden and planted some very pretty Gerbera daisies.

I’ve been feuling my unhealthy stash obsession.

And fabric obsession.


You know, one of my most favorite things in the world is to get packages in the mail. It’s a nice bit of suprise when I unlock the metal box and there’s something unexpected (and fun). It’s twice as nice when there are two packages sitting in the box (and a magazine) just waiting to be opened.

A bunch of fibers. Though not the same media. I plan on having a very creative weekend. Inspiration is calling my name. I can’t ignore it.

{Michael Miller Hedgehog Fabrics, 11 fat quarters destined to become a very owly type quilt. For me. Nuff said.}

{Sundara Fingering Silky Merino in Presidential Inaguration. I’m thinking of turning this into a Simple Things.

{Sundara Sock in Carnival Caper. I’m not sure what this is destined to become, but I loved the colors so how could I not add it to my online basket? Right?}

Two Cool Cats

Meet Steve and Bob.

They are cats.

Cats of a different fur (or feather, if you will.)

That’s Bob the Cat. He has pretty blue eyes.

And this is Steve the Cat.

They are two cool kitties.

You, too,  can win yourself your own customized kitty by leaving a comment on this post. I will leave pick a winner on Thursday, January 28th. (Which, coincidentally, is Shawn’s 30th birthday!) Good luck!

Big Plans

Spring in Southern California has been very strange, to say the least. Some days are warm and bright and you think to yourself, Summer is going to be extremely hot if it’s like this already. Some days it’s cold, windy and rainy and you think to yourself, Summer is going to be short and sweet. But for me, well I feel like I’ve been hibernating for so long and I’m having a terrible time trying to wake up. Lately my days have been riddled with pain. And yet I still find ways to keep my creativity queue flowing.

Nights are the hardest. Usually Shawn goes to bed a few hours before me. I spend my late nights watching old Miss Marple movies. I knit. I read. I’ve spent a bit of time on the computer finding all sorts of new cute patterns, Softies books and classes to meet my idol.

When I wrap everything up and make sure to lock the doors and turn off all the lights I creep into the bedroom. I always turn the fan on, regardless of the temperatures. I lift the blankets and try to get comfortable without waking Shawn up. Sometimes I lay on my back, knowing I won’t fall asleep. But I just think. I think of all the endless possibilities that life will hold. I have a few business ideas in mind and I think of all the sketches I need to draw. I think of all the fabrics I can use. I think of the children who will hold dear these little trinkets. And then I turn onto my left side and I watch the pale orange glow of the street lights that pour into the nooks and crannies of our vertical blinds. When I get sick of looking at the distracting light I turn to my right side. I take in the cold air from the fan. Sometimes I wipe away the tears that form because of the air. And when all else fails I lay on my stomach. My fleece pillowcase against my cheek, my legs forming a 4. After a while I drift off and I stop thinking about all the things I’d like to do. Now I just dream of them.

I pour through my memory and I tell myself that I will read every letter in these books.


I promise myself I will finish a present by Easter Sunday.


I think of all the outfits that I can wear with such a pretty knitted item that someone so kindly made for me. Just for me.


I tell myself, just a few more inches. Really.


I dream of all the different patterns that I can use to display such beautiful color.

Tina Givens Fabric

How funny that up until this very moment I felt like I was being completely unproductive. But I realize now that I haven’t. I have plans. Big plans.

On The Coffee Table

Jem and I were cleaning the house up a bit and I started to fiddle around with my camera. The coffee table seemed to be a good place to start, since that’s where everything seems to accumulate througout the day.

One of the ten random binkies found around the house today.

Koigu KPPPM Jaywalkers for a store sample.

Fabric for the Bend The Rules Sewing swap.

The 92% I scored on our first French exam and the 100% I scored on our first homework assignment.

Under The Sea

Every now and again I’ll go on a fabric splurge, especially when designers come out with new collections. I would love to get my hands on Sandy Henderson’s Farmer’s Market collection. I love the bright and colorful palette she uses. The fabrics would make a great girly quilt. Heather Bailey also has a new collection out called Freshcut Garden and Pop Garden. Last week she put a great pincushion tutorial on her website that would make fun gifts for friends that sew. And Amy Butler seems to still be going strong with her new endeavors. I already made the Nappy Bag and eventually I’ll make another, but I absolutely love the Birdie Sling.There are just too many good things out there and it’s hard to decide on what to buy for what project. I am only beginning to work on the machine quilting of the Fresh Squeezed quilt so what business do I have in planning another quilt?

Plenty, I say! After seeing the new Medocino by Heather Ross I succumbed to the powers that be and bought 8 fat quarters worth of fabric:

I mean, who could resist the little fishes?

I have no idea what pattern I’ll use, if I’ll even bother to use one. I have no idea what my vision for this quilt will be. I just knew it would make a rather adorable quilt. And because I’m still selfish in terms of sewing, it will be for me. One day when my skills have excelled I will give away the quilts I make.

Til then, I’ll be sleeping with the fishes in a short time. Just not literally.


I can’t say that I’ve been 100% completely relaxed the past couple of days, but I have been trying! I’ve done a bit of driving over on Bouquet Canyon which, if you didn’t know, was one of the areas affected by the wildfires last October. The area has been really dry. Not much green going on out here. We’ve been lacking rain for quite a while and it’s only going to get worse now that summer has approached a little too quickly. But the mountains and the farm areas are still very pretty which leave a deep longing inside. While I was born in Chicago, I really am more of a country girl than a city girl. At least, I’m not a Californian city girl. Maybe if I went back home I would be. But I miss riding horses, the air filled with all of natures secretions, and how time just passes not too slow and not too fast. I never felt like I was missing anything. Even though it isn’t too far from home, I still miss this:

Scout and I took a drive on Friday afternoon, I just had to get out of the house. So we went to the fabric shop for a little fabric retail therapy, (I was good, honest). We had lunch together and stopped by the LYS to say “hi”. And then we hit the proverbial road and just took it all in. Next thing I know I started to hit the “Welcome to Angeles National Forest”. A little foreboding in my mind because once you hit the forest “city” limits, the trees became black. Branches entangled. They seemed to be reaching for the sky. Hopeful for air. Fire is a scary thing people. Especially out here in the mountains and forest areas. With our little drought we are currently experiencing fire is now a common household discussion. Anything will spark a fire out here. I’m hoping that we don’t have the same situation as we did last year. There were wildfires everywhere in So Cal but we were hit hard out here when the fires where West, East and North.

But onto happier topics, like fabric:

I bought a few fat quarters from JoAnn’s a week ago, along with a Windmill acrylic template for the next quilt. But I needed some more browns so I hit the fat quarter section at the quilt shop. I doubt I’ll use the blue fabric with brown birds in this quilt, but I had to have that one. That’s how it starts you know? I know you know!

I picked up some Eco Wool at the LYS after searching high and low for the right yarn for this Wraparound Cardigan that I’ve been wanting to knit the past two years. Three skeins of it will be more than plenty, (how often does that happen?). I decided that this will be my project in August for the 2008 Knitting Olympics. (The Yarn Harlot is not hosting this one, but you can find the group on Ravelry. Essentially the rules are the same.) I figured this would be a good enough challenge. A long, chunky cardigan in 17 days? I’m hopeful. Especially because I’ve been commissioned to knit for a few Etsy buyers. On the list is the Shalom Cardigan, Jayne Cobb Firefly Hat, Golden Snitch Hat (scroll down), and I believe that’s it aside from my test knitting and my own projects. It’s a lot I know, but I have time for most of the items and it helps to keep me busy.

So does this:

I know I haven’t shown many progress photos but I suppose this shows you just how much progress I’ve made since mid May. I’m at the bodice and in about two inches I can start shaping the bust. The Aurora 8 is a pleasure to work with and the pattern has just enough to keep you going and not make you put it down, though the ribbing on 4’s is a killer.

Aside from all the aforementioned excitement around here I’ve had a chance to hang out at the LYS for a few hours. I also finished a really good book and started another last night. I haven’t been cooking many elaborate meals lately but I did find an absolutely delicious, (and simple), Chicken Pot Pie recipe. Shawn even ate the peas, it was that good!

So I guess now come to think about it, I have been relaxing and you know what? It feels great!