Shop Advice

I need a little bit of shop advice. And I’ll be holding a teeny weeny little contest where you can win a set of the following:

These are the matching bobby pins to go with the pearl cluster earrings I made for a custom order on Etsy. I like them so much that I decided I will most definitely make sets, (of 6), for my shop. But I don’t know what a reasonable price is. The bobby pin and the pearls don’t cost very much per dozen. BUT, the wire does. It’s half square sterling silver and is a little pricey by the yard. And since I don’t wear much more than a hair clip in my hair, I have no idea what a good selling price would be.

So for those of you who do wear hair goodies, what do you think a good price is?

Just leave me a comment and I will not only send you a set of (6) bobby pins I will also send you a matching set of pearl cluster earrings, the color of your choice. Comments need to be made before Wednesday 10:30 p.m. Pacific Time. Ask your friends too, I need some input and feedback on these simple little things.

Easter bunny came to this town

Our Easter weekend was a bit emotional over here. Friday and Saturday I could feel that unsettling feeling in my stomach that I’d be alone all week. The anxiety rose up and caused lots of crying, yelling and red eyes. With enough sleep on Saturday night, (after staying up til 12:38 a.m. so that the Easter bunny could deliver the goods), I felt much better on Sunday, though not really 100%.

Saturday morning was spent at the Canyon Country park where Jem and Scout hunted down some Easter eggs, ate little chocolate eggs, (with some aluminum stuck on them…you don’t even want to know how I know this!), and met the Easter bunny him/herself!


She squirmed, but I did get a few good shots. (Though in a few the bunny looks like he’s eating her arm. I’ve never known a carnivorous rabbit, have you?)

And boy did she enjoy her chocolate! (We normally don’t give her candy, but she had a couple little pieces and thoroughly enjoyed them.)


Sunday the kids woke up to eggs galore! We hid about 20 of them and their baskets around the living room. The bubbles were especially a hit. So were the bunny ears:


The rest of the day I spent in the kitchen making a huge feast. We still have leftovers suprisingly. And then Monday morning hit and I was all alone.

I had decided over the weekend to get out of the house more often this week. (There are times when I can’t convince myself to leave the house and I really didn’t want to get in that kind of funk.) So Monday afternoon I headed over to Knit Cafe over in Hollywood. For those of you unaware, they care closing. So right now they are having a 50% off sale. When I got there things were already picked over, but I grabbed a few skeins of this deliciousness:


Can you say Koigu? Cause I can. I grabbed the last of the Kersti Crepe in brown and blue. I’m thinking another pair of Eunny’s mitts. Once I finish the last pair of course. I also grabbed three skeins of Misti Alpaca Lace in a dark chocolately brown. I have no idea what I’ll make with it yet, but it’s buttery soft and I love the color. And HELLO! At 50% off, who can say no? They had a good deal of yarn, but I think the good stuff was pretty much taken within the first two hours the store was open.

The rest of the day was spent eating lunch and playing with Scout at the park. Jem has his first baseball practice last night and I am more than disappointed. This should be baseball. Not softball. Not underhand softball. And their first game is this Saturday. Most of the kids look like they’ve never picked up a baseball let alone played a game, so I don’t know if we will ride this one out. He’s a bit too advanced for softball. But I’ll give him a chance to play the first game and go from there.

Today? Well today has been a pretty lazy day. I finished the two other bracelets and will be adding them to my Etsy tomorrow after I add the clasps, but here’s a preview if you are interested, this one is made with brown pearls and pink and silver accents:


And with silvery blue pearls, silver size 15 seed beads and teal and black Swarovski’s:


Plans for the rest of the week? I’m thinking Scout and I might go to the zoo tomorrow and hang out eating ice cream cones and watching the animals run around. It’ll be a nice change to watch someone else run away other than Scout. Boy, she’s fast!

I still feel like poop

But today was my last surgery! Yay! I went in around 8 this morning and was out at 10:30. The findings? There were adhesions on the right side of my uterus, caused by two C Sections and the tubal ligation. They also found a signifcant sized tubal cyst on the left side. All has been removed. The surgery wasn’t quite as harsh as previous ones, I assume because it was done laprascopically. I just wanted to tell you all that I am fine, my hiatus is over. My recovery begins today! While I didn’t want another surgery or more problems, I’m glad that they did find something that seemed to have caused the past few weeks pain.

I don’t have any knitting or sewing content, but I do have some owl content:


Me and my owl obsession. I know. His name is Twiglet and you can find his friends here at Blossom Hill. The stamp I bought at Beverly’s and is called “Ollie and Olivia” by Stampendous.

Have a great weekend. Hopefully I’ll have some major updating going on then!

hospitals = whale poop

Yes I know, I give great visuals don’t I? Since Sunday afternoon I’ve been in and out of the ER and my doctors’ offices like crazy. It all started with right pelvic pain. They did ultrasounds, CT scans, an enema, bloodwork, urine cultures…Two Morphine shots later they told me I had ovarian cysts. No shit Sherlock. (Can’t wait to see the bill for them telling me something I already knew and something that I had told them.) I went to my OB Monday and Tuesday and they are pumping me up with antibiotics and crappy painkillers. Tuesday afternoon I had the cyst on my head removed. So along with the pelvic, back and hip pain, you can add severe headache to the list. I still haven’t figured out how I’m going to brush my hair yet.So honestly, nothing else has been on my mind because of this. Tomorrow I see my OB, (again), and will schedule a laproscopy for sometime next week. The sooner the better because I’m uber tired of being in pain and feeling so drained. (Add to that, Scout and Jem are both sick with colds.) Could it get worse? Probably. I’m hoping there isn’t a vengeful God up there!In the meantime, between aches and pains I’ve had my mailbox completely full the past few days and that’s really helped! I’ve gotten a number of packages from Etsy and Swap bot and a few “get better” cards. They’ve all made me so happy, but I was completely in awe when I opened a package and saw this:


“Mermaid” by SunnySideEllen

And then I got my custom made coin purse JPATpurses from the owl fabric I sent her:


I had actually purchased one from her, for a swap pal. I loved it so much I asked if she had another, but she had ran out of that fabric. So I asked if she could do a custom order and she did. She also slipped a little owl fabric magnet in there as well.

In the midst of all of this hubbub, I have been getting a little knitting done though I admit not much. Mainly due to error use, the pattern is simple but not when on prescription drugs. I have frogged the lace pattern a few many times. Two or three times because I had 4 stitches too many. Another time I frogged about 8 rows of lace because I was missing one stitch, (that wasn’t dropped, instead I did a Slip 1, K2tog, PSSO rather than the SSK that the pattern called for). Nevertheless! I am making way, considering I only started the project last Tuesday and have been incapacitated for four of those days.


“Henley Perfected”

Interweave Knits, Winter 2007
Yarn: Blue Sky Alpacas Wool/Silk in Champagne

Needles: US 4’s (body) and US 3’s (edging)

Other than that, well a lot of sleep has been happening. The whole thing makes me feel like whale poop. Not that I know what whale poop looks like or feels like, I just imagine it’s pretty shitty. (Sorry for the pun. LOL.) Today I asked Shawn, “What is bigger than whale poop?” He thought for a minute and said, “I don’t know.” I then replied, “Well whatever it is, that’s what I feel like.”

On that note, I’m off to take a nap!

Frustration Quelled

Yes, my frustration has been quelled a bit.

I passed the Italian Tubular Cast On for the Enpaper Mitts and started the colorwork last night. It’s been a very long time since I’ve done intarsia. (And though I’ve been knitting for years, I still haven’t done any Fair Isle.) The last intarsia work I did was a blue and green striped sweater with a tiger in the middle for Jem. He wore it twice.

But the Mitts aren’t too bad. It’s a lot of work, luckily it’s a small project. (And it’s in Koigu! Gotta love it!)


I should say that I’m happy with the colors too. I mean, they aren’t what I wanted but that’s what happens when you get the “colors vary from computer to computer”, you know?

Saturday, after dinner, I received a nice little package of handdyed yarn from Etsy:


I absolutely love it! It’s called “Pigs In Mud” by Sunnyside Ellen. This is why I ♥ Etsy. I also received some owl magnets, but I’ll save those for another post.

I’m … this close to having my Wee Kitty done and I can’t wait to share with you. I think she’s a hoot! Now if I could just focus on the Cobblestone Sweater for Shawn.