I am here, I am alive

You’d be amazed at what all can happen in two weeks time. And almost every day in those two weeks I’ve wanted to update. I’ve wanted to read everyone’s blogs. I’ve wanted to participate in the worst way. But it just hasn’t happened. There’s been so much to do. Thanksgiving weekend is one of those weekends when there is too much happening. I did all the cooking this year. Dinner was delicious, but tiring. It’s hard to believe that so many people, (myself included), spend the entire day cooking to have this one great meal and then when it comes down to it, you really can’t eat all that more in that one sitting. Believe me, I tried!

Tuesday, the 27th, was my “golden” birthday. (For those of you who have never heard of a “golden” birthday, it’s the age you turn that is the same as the day you were born on. For me, I turned 27 on the 27th…get it?) I won’t really get into it, but my birthday was pretty rotten this year. That’s all I will say about that.

The rest of the week included:

  • crocheting with Jody
  • Open House at Simply Knitting last Friday
  • dinner at Los Toros on Saturday night, (my birthday dinner)
  • painting the bedroom, (again), this time in an Aqua and Chocolate combination
  • buying all our Christmas presents, (well most of them)
  • a trip to the Bead shop

Of course, there was a whole lot more in between these things. But I guess those were the most important of them all. I haven’t had much knitting time lately. I have gone to the LYS, but you know how that goes. You talk a whole lot more than you stitch. All the same, I picked up the yarn I’m going to use for the Bed Jacket in “Knitting Lingerie Style”. The pattern calls for Cascade Sierra, but I really didn’t like the feel of it. So I chose Cascade Venezia and am totally in love! I love the dark brown. It will make a great jacket!

Jody also helped me to start my Tiramisu by Alicia Paulson. I have a confession to make. I love Alicia. If I could live her picture perfect life, I would. Everything is so quaint and cute on her website. The items she makes are to die for. She inspires me constantly. I can’t wait to see what for her book.

Her Tiramisu baby blanket is simple enough, (I had thought it would be harder when I first looked at). I had a few issues with my edging. My numbers aren’t right, but since this is all mainly single crochet for the time being, I’m ok with that. I’ll have to go back to do the ruffle, but all the same I’m happy that I’ve gotten as much done because I really am not a crocheter. (Doing one blanket does not classify me as a “novice” even.)

I had to go up two hook sizes, from I to K. The yarn I’m using is Vanna’s Choice, by Lion Brand. I wanted to try their new acrylic. And come on, how can you not trust Vanna White? (smile) This color is called Dusty Blue. I’m hoping to have this done in time for Christmas. I’m 9″ into it, I need another 27″. I can do this!

And beading, oh the beads! I just happened to go to the bead shop when they were having a 20% off sale. Am I lucky or what? (I seriously didn’t know they were having a sale.) They helped me pick out some crystals for a design that I saw in Fire Mountain Gems catalogue. It was cheaper going to the local bead shop.

This will eventually turn into a 3 stranded Swarovski Crystal necklace:

There’s a mix of 6mm and 8mm Bicones, 6mm Round, and drop Crystals. There are four blues and clear crystals in this version. Plus a lot of sterling silver. I would totally make something like this for my Etsy shop, but do you know how much this cost me? $74 with the discount! That doesn’t include the fact that I already had the AccuFlex wire, silver spacers and crimps. But it’s customized and it’s made by me. So I’m ok with it. Maybe I’ll be able to do some bracelets. They certainly are worth it.

I’ve even gotten a little “scrapbooking” done, though it really isn’t scrapbooking per se. About two weeks ago, Jem and I painted a few wooden ornaments I bought from Michael’s. Somehow the dog ate mine. My poor snowman. Anyway, I had a great idea to make some Christmasy type crafts. I’m making a little J-O-Y sign out of Basic Grey patterned paper I had bought last year for Christmas cards and some other scrapbook supplies. I’ve actually had a lot of fun with the altered artwork. I’m a bit disappointed though since I sold all my supplies. Then again, I’m not. Because I don’t need yet another hobby right now. I just can’t keep up.

And because Nora always says my posts aren’t really complete without a shot of Scout:

There’s my smiley girl. Can you believe she’s almost a year old? 18 more days! She is walking like there’s no tomorrow. In a way it makes me sad. This is the time when she will start getting a little more independent and then she won’t need me. And I need her! We are calling her our “little walkie talkie”. She says “hi” now, (mainly in the morning). And she can say “momma” and “daddy”.

So that’s my story. The. End.

6 thoughts on “I am here, I am alive

  1. Oh, what a gorgeous little angel! Did you say she’s walking + talking!?

    I’m sorry to hear about your birthday. Like I said to you before: Just keep moving forward. And hug your little girl. Thinking of you. x

    [Love the new blog colours, btw.]


  2. She is a living doll!

    Sorry that your birthday wasn’t what it could have been. Tomorrow is always a new day!

    LOVE the bed jacket yarn! I will stalk yours and see what you say before I commit.

    Love the purple on the blog!

  3. Happy belated Golden Birthday!

    I love Swarovski – lookin fwd to seeing the finished necklace!

    And Scout is such a cutie, as always!

  4. Glad you’ve updated! I’m so sorry your birthday wasn’t what you wanted. I wish you a happy belated birthday anyways!

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