Walking Zombie

That’s how I feel right now.

It started Thursday night. Shawn and I drove to Knott’s Berry Farm out in Buena Park. They were having a Scion night and the first 2,000 Scions would get free tickets for everyone in their car. They were insanely busy. But even after driving for 2 1/2 hours we seemed to have been to 2,001 car, (not really), we had to drive home. We’d gotten there at 7:30 and they were already denying people entrance. Supposedly they were giving out tickets at 7 p.m. but I think there was a snafu and tickets were given out earlier. Oh well. We ended up cruising to Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffles in Pasadena. Chicken and waffles. They really do go together.

But by 5 a.m. I wasn’t feeling right. Needless to say that it was so bad that Shawn had to take the day off to take care of Scout because I was too sick. I slept most of the day. Of course, I insist we still go shopping and out for the night on Saturday. I tried to be a trooper even though my chest was hurting and my knees were weak. I made it to the showing at Valley of the Dolls after almost losing a babysitter, (my mom got stuck near the freeway and couldn’t restart her car, luckily it eventually started), and some misdirection, (Mapquest isn’t always the most reliable source when it comes to directions).

In instant cure in my spirits:

Bow Wow Trad Blythe! Shawn got my early, early birthday gift, (as in my birthday isn’t until Thanksgiving this year). But I ♥ her so much. I don’t know what her name will be yet but oh the plans I have for her!

We ended the night with a delicious dinner from Buca di Beppo that we couldn’t finish, (yummy leftovers though), and seeing Saw V. I have to say that this movie left a lot of questions for a movie that was dubbed “the final” of sequels. But it was good. Not great, but good. What left me very disappointed was there was a preview for the remake of “Friday the 13th”. Now this is one of my favorite horror flicks and it saddens me that people are ripping off the original. Not only that, the whole Jason phenomenon is over. As in “over six sequels ago” over.

By the time we got home, at 12:30 a.m., I was done. But we promised to take the kids to the LA Zoo for their Boo at the Zoo. Nothing but problems. Our drinks were solidly frozen. My batteries in the camera died. Scout was so tired from the day that she decided to fuss most of the time. I bought batteries but they only had two! I felt like this at the end of the day:

It didn’t help that were thousands of people going in and out of the zoo throughout the day. People should get licenses to manuever strollers! Shawn had enough and snapped at me. It was just one of those days where we were all trying too hard to have fun.

So the rest of the weekend was spent working on this:

Baudelaire by Cookie A using Sundara Sock in Glacier.

After all this I learned I have walking pneumonia. It’s like “Night of the Living Dead” around here. I’m trying to work through it because there is always so much to do. How four people live in chaos I can’t explain. Right now I’m mostly concerned with cleaning, a deep cleaning, before the holidays approach. I promise to take it easy. Easier.

A Trip to the Zoo

I want to say that I’m very happy that the Los Angeles Zoo has many visitors and seems to be making a lot more money through admissions and food sales, (those $8 fruit bowls ought to be helping). But I’m a bit disappointed, not by the zoo but by the people who visit. You know, those people who rather than pack up a stroller and actually have their children sitting in it rather than letting their children run around and hit the ancient tortoise on the head? Yeah, them. I don’t get it. I also don’t get the parents who let their children shove and push other kids just so they can see the sleeping wolf hidden in his cave. Yeah, them too. Or how about the parents who try to ease their way in front of the line because they think their kids are hungrier than the other kids who have been waiting 20 minutes to get some chicken strips with french fries.

Yeah. It disappoints me that there are people out there who just don’t care. And they obviously aren’t teaching their own children to care. (Mind you, I am in no way saying I’m a Mary Poppins kind of mother. But I will say that if Jem acted that way, you’d hear me saying something about it rather than laughing it off and thinking “lil Jimmy is just so cute when he runs in front of people causing them to drop their tray of $50 crappy food on the floor”.)

But the animals! The animals are what I go for and they definitely don’t disappoint.

Little Meerkat pondering.

Sea Lion taking a quick breather.

The man of the family.


Pretty Snow Leopard. He was napping and came out just in time. (I really wish I could have a had a shot without the cage wires, unfortunately he’s completely caged in. I can only assume he’s a sly little escape artist because not even the wolves, tigers or lions are completely enclosed.)


A California Sea Lion after getting a little fat off of fresh fish.