Thanksgiving is a Hoot

Today is the day that we give thanks. But why do we minimize our gratefulness to just one day out of the year? We should be giving thanks every day. We really should. And I believe today will be the first of many days in which I will embark on my journey.

Sometimes by the end of the day I’m so exhausted that I don’t even say my prayers. Sometimes I get so upset that not only do I dwell on the negative but I can’t even foresee the positive. Some days I don’t want to make three meals a day, plus snacks, and yet I don’t even think of how lucky we truly are to have the resources for three meals let alone one.

But today is different. It’s not just a day where we remember the Pilgrims and Indians, but a day to make peace within ourselves. I think highly of Thanksgiving. Maybe because I was born on Thanksgiving in 1980 and I figure that somewhere in the scheme of things that there was some kind of reason I was born on that day. (My birthday doesn’t fall on T-day this year, but tomorrow.)

Today will be filled with smiles.

Today there will be much to be grateful for.

  • My husband and my children.
  • The good health of my family. Recently I called both my grandmothers, who live in Illinois, who I haven’t spoken to for nearly 12 years since my grandpa died. They are doing excellent as is the rest of the family. I miss them so much and I wish them well.
  • My friends. This means you. I don’t have many in real life friends but my blogging buddies, all of you, are like my best friends.
  • I’m grateful for my new best friend, Rogue. Ever since having to give up Scarlett it’s been very hard for me. But Rogue has come here to replace her in some ways and for that I’m truly thankful.
  • For the gifts that have been bestowed upon me. I’m thankful that I’m smart, knowledgable, and talented. What I’d do without my knitting or sewing I really don’t know.

And because I am feeling so grateful, I’m feeling a bit generous and I have a give away.

{Owl felt kit by Paper and String.}

I absolutely love this kit and have a feeling that I will be purchasing many more of her patterns in the future. They are all just. too. cute. I made this second one for Scout because you know if I make one then I really need to make two.

So as a give away prize I will be naming one winner and gifting them an owl in the color of their choice. Just leave a comment and tell me what you are grateful for. I will choose a winner on Saturday, November 28th at 5 p.m. PST.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Birthday to Me

Nothing is better than a delicious Plusko’s cake for one’s birthday.


This years cake is a chocolate cake with chocolate chip custard filling and chocolate buttercream. And it was heaven! Absolute, unadulterated, sugar filled heaven!

In the midst of cake and presents and birthday wishes I started Verity. I’m using Dream in Color’s Classy in Dusky Aurora and I can see that this will be one of the few hats that I will love and adore. The design is easy, the charts are simple and easy to memorize. I cast on last night around 10 and I’m more than fifty percent done. I need something small and quick to knit for a day that requires much to do.


Turkey is in the oven. Pumpkin pies are already done. There are mashed potatoes to make. Sweet potato casserole to bake. There are rolls to be heated. And gravy. Oh the gravy. I am excited that my birthday falls on Thanksgiving Day. It’s the one day of the year that I’m not obligated to cook. My mom is. And she’s doing a great job.

Thanks to so many of you who messaged me here and on Ravelry and emailed me such nice birthday wishes. Happy Thanksgiving.