
So now that I’m 29 I figured I’d make a list of 29 goals that I’d like to accomplish by the much dreaded 30th birthday. I think my 29th has been my last milestone. I do not wish to be “officially” a 30 something. Not quite for some time. I still want to play in my 20’s. Time. Le sigh.

  1. Return to college Spring 09.
  2. Decide on my major: English or History.
  3. Buy and ride a bicycle. (I’m looking at a baby blue beach cruiser.)
  4. Join a gym. (My target goal is to lose 80 pounds.)
  5. Open a new Etsy which will include quilted projects.
  6. Go to Magic Mountain with Shawn for Valentine’s Day, I’ll even go on all the rides.
  7. Get a new hair cut color. (This is going to be a suprise.)
  8. Get a new tattoo.
  9. Replace our old loveseat with a recliner.
  10. Upgrade the computer with Windows 7 and Photoshop.
  11. Train for a marathon. (Marathon is in October I believe.)
  12. Read all the books in my 2010 challenge.
  13. Knit something for my grandmother.
  14. Knit a pair of socks, “that don’t slouch”, for my mom.
  15. Sew Scout’s Easter dress.
  16. Paint the living room.
  17. Put together all of the art work that we want to hang in the living room, hall way and master bedroom.
  18. Finish the blouse I started six months ago.
  19. Go back to Chicago with my mom.
  20. Learn to eat healthy.
  21. Complete the NaKniSweMoDo sweaters within the year.
  22. Make a quilt for our bedroom. (Teal and dark brown.)
  23. Learn how to crochet, beyond single crochet.
  24. Write a book.
  25. Make new friends.
  26. Get the entire house organized.
  27. Buy a new bed. (We really need a box spring and frame.)
  28. Buy a new Blythe, either Urban Cowgirl or Ice Rune.
  29. Enjoy the year before I’ll have to say that I’m. thirty. years. old.