Wouldn’t you know?

I’d say that I’ve been busy, that would be my excuse. And to some extent it’s been true. But the real reason I haven’t posted, (or knit much for that matter), is that I’ve been extremely tired. This whole week has been draining. But this weekend was excellent and here’s why:
After finishing the Little Bunny Foo Foo socks, (which I have to say thanks to all of you for your nice comments, I appreciate them), Shawn requested another pair. So I cast on for his socks and lo and behold, the pattern from Charlene Schurch’s “More Sensational Knitted Socks” was, dare I say, wrong! The picture didn’t match the stitch pattern. Instead, Shawn asked that I make them plain. As in Stockinette Stitch. Sounds good to me.

I had to use Scout’s Dino for a model. I couldn’t find anything else. We are going to call these Shawn’s Snake Socks. The Koigu reminds me of a snake. Thus, Snake Socks. I have no complaints about these socks, except that I may have cast on 6 sts too many, but I found a way around having to rip them out and start over. Stay tuned for that!
I started Scout’s Diamond Sweater from one of my many Debbie Bliss books. I’m using the Lana Grossa Elastico that I got from the 50% off sale that I got last week. I love this pattern. It’s the third time I’ve knit it and it’s never gotten old.

And a close up to show the texture.

And I bet you wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t have a picture huh?

Yup, that’s Shawn knitting!

You see, we kind of made this deal about him racing his r/c’s every Saturday night and me going knitting once a week for a few hours, (at night). Well after reading, “Babyproofing your Marriage”, I realized we really needed to make more attempts at spending more time together, rather than apart for our own hobbies. So yesterday, I went to see him race at 5:30. We stayed til about 8:30. And then today, he said he wanted me to teach him to knit. Now mind you, he’s not interested in knit/purl/dec/inc…he is just doing garter stitch. He says he’ll make me a scarf. I said I’d wear it. I’m really proud of him for a.) asking me to teach him and b.) that he took to it so well. Are you jealous? LOL.

This afternoon I made some cupcakes, (which would later turn my craving into my demise), for May: Yeah, I brought out the piping tips and all. I felt creative. Unfortunately, eating a cupcake caused my TMJ to flare up. My right jaw is extremely sore after having it locked up for about a half hour. The biggest problem is that the dentist really can’t do anything. They can send me to an oral surgeon, but short of surgery all I can do is take Tylenol and wear a mouth guard at night, (which I’m doing anyway). Surgery isn’t in the cards at the moment. Cold compress it is for the time being. *sigh* Were the cupcakes worth it, you ask? Yes. They were.

On the homefront, Jem is doing his State Testing this week. He also has his Psych Evaluation this Wednesday. It’s looking more and more like ADD/ADHD. We’ll find out the details on Wednesday and go from there. I must say, he’s been a pretty good kid the past couple of days. After he got called out on the attitude though. *boys*

Scout is doing well, as always. She’s eating cereal and baby food now. She ♥ Sweet Potatoes and Bananas.

She also ♥ her toys. She loves to suck on them.

As you can see.

And on a final note. I’d really like to know what you all think about swaps. I’m a bit disappointed in the Sockret Pal Swap. Not in the person who spoiled me. But in the person I spoiled. I sent off the first package, no problem. The second and third, I put into one box and had Shawn mail off for me. Stupid me for not having him get a delivery confirmation. Apparently the box hasn’t gotten there yet, and it’s been weeks. Now, I understand her disappointment BUT she’s posted about how she’s been “jilted” (mind you she doesn’t post my name), even after I offered to knit her another pair of socks and replace the things that I bought her. But I’m irked. It really bothers me that some people can’t be grateful for the things they do get. I tried my best. In fact, in my first package alone I went above and beyond the “minimum”, not to mention I constantly emailed without many responses.

I suppose my expectations of swaps are a bit more than the “post a blog twice a month, contact your pal on the 1st and 15th”, kind of thing. I do a lot for my pals and now I feel like I am being outted because the lousy Post Office lost her package. *sigh* So anyway, I just want to know how you feel about swaps? Do you join them or stay away? What have your experiences been like?

16 thoughts on “Wouldn’t you know?

  1. AJ, I love swaps but only with people I “know” (i.e commenters on my blog/bloggers whose blogs I read etc). That said, I recently did a swap through GYK and received the best sock yarn ever!

    As for Shawn knitting – what a guy!! 🙂

  2. I second Nora’s comment – I told my husby that I would know that he *really* loves me when he knits me a pair of socks (I’ve done 3 for him so far). Heh. Perhaps I should have aimed for a scarf! That is great that Shawn is knitting for you!
    Re swaps – I’ve just signed up for my first – sockapalooza. I haven’t heard from my sock pal yet which I’m a bit disappointed about – we are not supposed to get the socks until August, which is a long time with no contact. Hopefully s/he will be in touch soon…

  3. I’ve been planning a swap post myself because I’m trying to sort out my feelings on swaps. I did a couple of swaps last fall and while the packages I received were really very lovely, the people I sent to hardly thanked me (and I know I sent generous packages) or acknowledged me. We didn’t keep in touch after the swaps.
    Currently I’m doing SP 10 and neither of my Pals is much of a chatter. The person I’m sending to shouldn’t have qualified as a blogger because the only posts she makes are about the packages I send. She is VERY grateful but it’s hard to get to know her at all. The person sending to me sent an amazing package (seriously – see my blog) but never makes contact.
    I don’t know. I have to think on it some more – though I just signed up for Knitter’s Tea Swap 3.

    Scout is getting awfully big and cuter by the minute. Hang in there with Jem. It’s hard to raise boys today.

  4. Hey AJ,

    I want to do another swap, but I felt burned from doing the SP9. I am one of those people who always get the slacker. I received one gift from my SP9 pal and never received anything else. I didn’t receive anything from a angel either even though I told my contact that I never received anything after the first gift. And my pal sent me like two emails the whole time. So now I just do knitalongs and maybe in the fall i will join another swap.

  5. Oh, I almost forgot the most important thing. Your princess is looking gorgeous as usual, she is getting mighty big.

  6. First time here…so, are you a big fan of To Kill a Mockingbird? 🙂

    Wow, a cupcake activated your TMJ? I have to eat a lot of really hard crunch foods for mine to kick in. Gum used to do it, but not so much anymore.

  7. I think you are getting the short end of the stick. The fact that she posted, anonymously, something so negative and inaccurate (since you’d already sent her a generous package and offered to replace everything including knitting!) is very poor manners on her part. It sounds like an immature reaction, and that she doesn’t truly appreciate the principle of swaps or the thought that went into what you’ve already sent her. I’ve done a couple small swaps. One was terrific and the second was a partial letdown. I don’t know that I’d be too interested in the future, except with people I know.

    That’s too cool about Shawn! He has that look of intense concentration on new knitting!

  8. I taught my guy to knit too. He was actually my quickest and best learner. And although he’s never finsihed anything (yet!-I’m still hoping) I think it did help him to appreciate the handknits I make for him. But congrats on taking an active approach to your relationship, that’s awesome!!
    And as far as swaps…
    The potential for disaster keeps my away from swaps, even though I know there is equal potential for meeting new knit bloggers and developing friendships…I just know my senstive nature couldn’t really take a situation like the one your dealing with. And I’m sorry that you are having to deal with it 😦

  9. I’ve never joined any swaps because i’m too lazy to get my butt to the post office that’s a block away from where I work. After reading everyone’s comments, i doubt i’d be interested in doing one either.

    Congrats on getting the hubby to knit! Maybe he’ll even stick with it! Have you tried racing cars?

  10. I read your post last night and hesitated to post a comment because I am, um, your Secret Pal 10 spoiler, but… I decided after thinking about it overnight that I would reply. SP10 is my first swap and I have had a little trouble adjusting… what to send when, how much to send, comment, email etc. Is there a point where it is too much? I don’t want someone commenting just to comment on my blog so I try only to comment if I have something to add to the conversation, so to speak.

    That said, I am a bit worried because after I received my first package from my pal (which was awesome) she dropped off the face of the earth. Since responding to my “thank you” email I have heard nothing from her. No email, no comments. Hmmmmmm… a bit odd because she was very diligent up to that point. Was it something I said? Didn’t say? Who knows… I know life has a way of rearing its ugly head and getting in the way of the best of intentions- Heck, I’ll admit I haven’t emailed you or posted comments as much as I wanted too but I am making an effort (’cause let’s face it, it IS fun to surreptitiously follow another person’s blog and then send them neat stuff). And that is what it is all about – Fun and Making the Effort. Which you have done, even if it didn’t turn out as you planned. Too bad your recipient can’t see that for what it is and roll with it- there are more important things to get stressed over.

    OK, I’m done. Meant to add my two cents but ended up giving you $1.37 worth. Sorry about that!

    Happy Monday!
    Your SP10 Pal

  11. I’ve been burnt more than a few times on these swaps things. Now I only do certain swaps with friends that I know will enjoy what I send and not disappear off the face of the planet. Isn’t that just the most frustrating thing when people do that?

  12. I’ve never had a problem with any swap, except for swaps on Swapbot. STAY AWAY FROM SWAPBOT – too many frauders on there.

    But as far as Secret Pal, I’ve never had a problem (well once but I got an angel in the end, so it all worked out!)

    I just got Babyproofing your marriage. You recommend it? Worth the read?

  13. more socks? you are amazing! you are the queen of socks. is that like the 8th or 10th pair of socks you’ve knitted since i was first introduced to your blog?

    i love how the deaimond sweater is knitting up. wow. so lovely. the third time you’ve knitted it? hmmmm. will have to see if i have that pattern myself. which DB book is it in? one i have, i hope. but i don’t have a baby to knit for. all the babies in my life are little boys.

    that’s great that shawn is learning to knit! how awesome. i’ve offered to teach ian several times, but he always declines. that advice about spending time together, or pursuing the same hobbies, is excellent whether you have a baby or not. i wish there were more activities, other than eating and sleeping, that ian and i love doing together.

    cupcakes make your tmj act up? how so? i mean, they seem so innocuous. hope you can ease the pain somehow. maybe with a cupcake martini?

    and your Scout sure is doll of a baby girl! those huge eyes! i bet she’s so much fun. hope that Jem’s testing goes well.

    oh no! that’s horrible about your sockret pal experience. my swap experiences have been better in those organized by blogger/knitters. but the ones i’ve done on swapbot are not satisfying at all. part of the thrill of doing the swaps is meeting new people, so i can see how you might want to limit a swap to only those swappers that you know and trust.

  14. I have mixed feelings about swaps – I love the concept, but am often disappointed. Too many no-sends from Swap-bot swaps. I understand that things get lost or late, that doesn’t bother me, but there are a lot of people who just do nothing – no contact or anything. And then there is a bit of stress in putting packages together – I try to get things that I would appreciate getting and that match what they like – and then it gets so expensive. I love giving – I really like the idea of swapping with people you know. Or just giving random gifts. I often read a blog entry and think, “I have something they would love,” or see something that reminds me of them.

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