One Of Those Days

Today was just one of those days.

Where I woke up earlier than I desired, after a night of restless sleep. Where the weather was a little chillier than anticipated, yet not cold in the sense of the word. Where making lunch seemed quite futile and taxing.

Yes, it was one of those days.

But also a day where I can say I accomplished something.

Being ahead of schedule.

Being able to pat myself on the back.

Being able to get at least one thing done.


Just One Button Cardigan by Elinor Brown*

Yarn: Red Heart Eco Ways in Aquarium, approximately 1.75 skeins.

A very quick and easy knit. Something that I can see Scout wearing on her birthday, two months from tomorrow. When I was knitting this, I imagined her twirling around in a little white cotton dress. I imagine her being three. Two months and one day can make such a difference.

Now if I could just figure out what button to sew onto this little gem. Maybe choosing a button would make today not one of those days.

* Be sure to check errata on Elinor’s pattern page, I “accidentally” stumbled upon an error with the buttonhole. Nothing that you couldn’t figure out for yourselves.)